Monday, June 10, 2013

Mailbag Mondays


Skull 11x14 (1500x1000)

I’ve been ever so entertained by sending gifts and letters through the mail. I think it carries a greater impact than an email or a phone call.  Our “modern” (in quotes regarding the reference to the telephone) technology makes it so easy to communicate, but I think a letter or a package tells the recipient that you care about them so much that you took the time to sit and write, or even better, make them something, that you then packaged up and sent.  Plus, nobody expects to get anything interesting in the mail these days.  That is, until I start a movement…

Anyway, last week I sent Sugar Skull No. 1 to my dear friend and former neighbor who calls herself Alice.  I was sad to part with this little gal, but made it with Alice in mind, so framed in an up-cycled (why do people say this? It was a thrift store find!) gold frame, off she went.  I take the glass out of the frames and recycle it because I think it interferes with the beauty of the leather.  It also helps to ship – there’s no worry about glass breakage, so all I have to do is be sure it doesn’t get bent.

Her blog about the placement of the skull is part of her William Morris Project series, which I find totally inspiring.  After nine years of living in our current house I finally finished all of my projects, and now we’re moving.  So I’ll start again, and as Alice does I’ll embark on my quest to make my house perfect.  And yes, as may be the fate of this skull, it could easily involve putting things into new frames.



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